National HIV Testing Week is a campaign to promote regular testing in England, particularly among groups most affected by HIV, including gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) and heterosexuals of Black African ethnicity. Regular testing helps to reduce the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV and those diagnosed late.

– Testing is a key part in the efforts to stop HIV.
– Testing for HIV is quick, free, confidential and easy.
– People can live with HIV for a long time without any symptoms, testing is the only way to know your HIV status.
– If you have HIV, finding out means you can start treatment, stay healthy and avoid passing the virus onto anyone else.
– There are many ways to test – at a sexual health clinic, your GP, through HIV and sexual health charities, or by ordering a test online.
– Anyone diagnosed with HIV in the UK can access free treatment and support.

If you would like to get tested for HIV through your GP for free, please fill an online consultation form.